
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Look Who is 6!!!!!!

Parker Rae turned 6 about a month and a half ago and I am just now getting to blogging about it. 

Happy Birthday Parker Rae!  You are a pretty rad 6 year old in every sense of the word.  Your personality shines so bright and you are my sweet saving grace. 

What I love about you most in your 6th year alive is what a kind and generous little lady you are. I get compliments all of the time about your sweet demeanor and loving spirit.  You treat everyone the same whether they are kind to you or not.  You always rise up and do the right thing and "fill others buckets" no matter what.  I love this so very much about you, and it makes me so very proud. 
You conquered your first year in Elementary school and made quite an impression on your Teacher and your classmates.  Your light shines!  I pray you always let it!

I love what a good friend you are to those that you love.  You always lift others up and you always make sure that you make everyone feel included so that noone gets hurt.  I couldn't imagine a better trait in my  little girl than to live a life of love.

You have a confidence about you that is rare for your age.  You carry yourself with grace and you know how to laugh at yourself rather than to get hung up on things that you think might be shortcomings.  Having a Daughter with a great self-esteem who defines herself by how God sees her is a feat that I am so very proud of you for.  It is my greatest wish for you that you always see yourself through the eyes of our Savior and that you always feel his arms wrapped around you through the trials in your life. 

In addition to being kind and confident, you are a witty little thing.  You make me laugh harder than anyone I know and your sense of humor will carry you so far in this life.  Your laughter carries me some days and I am grateful for that. 

Daddy and Mommy love you baby girl and we couldn't be prouder of the little lady that you have become.  We know that you can do anything that you want with this life and we can't wait to see where your spunky little personality takes you.  I'm pretty sure you'll be in charge of something someday.....whether its a classroom, a practice, a firm, or a household, you will for sure be on top of some organization telling everyone what you expect and how you would like it done while inspiring them all along the way. 

We love you Baby Girl! 
Happy 6th Birthday to you!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Instagram Love!

Ok, I have to admit, I keep getting asked who took all of these pictures from our trip that make us look way cuter than we are in real life, and the truth is, I did, but with a ton of help and editing from Instagram.  I love this app.  I'm actually fairly obsessed.  It just has this way of taking away all of my photo fears.  It makes things look just plain better and really appeals to that vintage flair that I am somewhat obsessed with.  Goodness knows I'm a sucker for anything that looks old, weathered, and slightly unloved. 

We went to Seaside, Florida for a great vacation this year.  I feel so blessed to be able to go on these amazing vacations with my sweet family.  I am thankful every day for a Husband that provides for us in a way that allows for us to enjoy life in this way.  We are truly blessed.  I don't say that to be annoying or make you want to puke.  I say that because I truly  know what it is like to not be able to provide that for my kids and I am so very thankful that hard work and perseverence pays off and that Dustin and I are now in a place where we can provide experiences that give our kids a sense of belonging and the importance of taking time out to celebrate your family. For me, the hustle and bustle of daily life is only worth it if we can pause and celebrate our hard work every once in a while. 

Enjoy the Instagram Pics and I'll post the ugly unedited ones later!

My sweet family before a day of shopping and snow cones!

My baby boys enjoying the waves before the hurricane hit! 

 My wonderful family! (minus the Mom and TK of course)

Team Dwinell

My hottie with a body! 

Pretty sure they know they are cute and have this photo shoot thing down to a science.

Visiting the Gator Restaurant! 

Loving the hotel on the way!

13 hour drive is no biggie as long as she has her IPOD.  

Love this guys guts! 

My sweet Husband!  I adore this sweet Man! 

Hanging at a local pizza joint.  Mommy wants those windows in her next house! 

This is what happens when each of your kids have $20 to spend on souvenirs.  We are now the proud owners of 4 turtles.  3 from Seaside, 1 wild one that won't leave the backyard. 

Love this pic and love what Instagram did to it. Bosty Lou Lou! 

Sweet babies.  Best part of this pic is the amount of threatening and yelling I felt the need to do to accomplish it.  I lost my mind for a hot minute. 

This is my piece of heaven.  

This sunset was absolutely stunning!  Florida, we will miss you till next time. 

We had a wonderful trip and hope to continue to try and get  back to the Destin, Florida area every year or so for a nice get away. 
