
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Twice, Twice Blessed!

I cannot even begin to wrap my brain around the amazing gifts that God has bestowed our family.  I had my twins about 8 years ago and they are identical.  This means, they could happen to you or you or anyone.  Identical twins are not genetic and can happen to anybody under the sun.  The egg just splits at a certain point and its just a coincidence.  So, we don't carry twins in our family, yet I still got myself a set of twins.  Pretty neat! 

My Sister, eight years later also conceived her own twins.  Its an amazing coincidence and we still don't carry twins anywhere in the family.  How incredibly amazing to have TWO sets of twins in one generation without having any history of twins in our family.  Pretty cool if you ask me. 

The Rust womb mates came  a little bit earlier than expected but were thankfully healthy and beautiful as can be.  The only issue at all was that little Ellis was a few pounds under weight and needed to fatten up.  What a miracle.  Their names are Miller and Ellis and I'm so excited to be their Aunt.  They are simply beautiful and perfect in every way. 

Miller is a little piglet and likes when you whisper in his ear.  Ellis is a little bit high maintenance and loves to be held and and loved on.  I'm happy to oblige even though I don't get to see them near as much as I would like.  For those of you who know me well, I'm slightly baby obsessed.  If Micah lived closer to me, I'd be over there every day totally overstepping all of the boundaries and loving on those little ones like they are mine. 

I'm so happy for the sweet Rust family and I love them all so much. Micah has risen to the occasion like a champ.  As a matter of fact, let me not sell Kevin short, BOTH of them have risen to the occasion and totally just taken this challenge head on and are just the best parents that any twins could ever have. I'm so extremely proud of them all.  Such a great time in their lives and So fun to watch now that I am on the outside of the twin situation looking in. 

Our dear friend, Jaime Truman came and took some newborn pics of them during their 19 day stay in the NICU.  Ellis had some fattening up to do so was there for an extended time after birth.  Jaime truly captured the itty bittiness of these little sweeties so well and some great up close and personal pics that show their demeanor those first few weeks while still in the hospital.  Now, six weeks old, they have totally come into a new phase and are changing so very quickly.  Ellis is gaining weight like a champ and Miller is a total little pig.  He has the sweetest rolls and is just a doll. 

It goes without saying that I love these babies as if they were my very own and I just cannot get enough of them.  I hope to get to visit them as often as possible and I just love that the kids have some new Cousins and some more twins in the family to relate to once they get older. 

God is good!

Sweet baby girl, Ellis Poe

Ellis getting a bath from Aunt Brittany.  My favorite baby activity! 
Ellis in the hospital, by TruPhotography

Miller Yancey just hanging out with Aunt Brit

Getting burped after pigging out! 

Lots of Miller love, Picture below by TruPhotography

The Rust babes shortly after their birth. 

Sweetest snuggles. 

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